notification from OAKFIELD SERVICES

If you receive a call or letter from us, please understand through our extensive research, we believe there is a lot of money (not hundreds but, typically, tens of thousands of dollars) waiting for you. Let us investigate further, at our expense, and with no risk to you, to see if that possibility can become a reality for you. Chances are good that you will be receiving a big check!

The Team

Our professional team consists of examiners, assessors, lawyers, and negotiators who are trained to get you the maximum refund in the shortest time possible.

The Work

At our own expense, we do all the challenging and hard work for you. You pay for nothing upfront. We manage and meet with the judicial and financial companies and get your refund processed in the quickest way possible saving you time, stress and expense.

The Reasons

We do our work because we care about you. The government and financial institutions don’t want you to know they are keeping your money. It is yours and you have lost so much already. We will do everything we can to ensure you get it back to feel some relief to begin again.

How We Work

The Work Process

Investigation and Inquiry

Our team audits and scrutinizes the judicial and financial records to give you the peace of mind we say you will receive.

Planning and Execution

Our team follows a verified plan that ensures you receive your money as soon as possible with no money left behind.

Review and Pledge

Our team extensively plans the work to save time, effort, and, possibly, negotiate with creditors to give you the most amount of money.

Don’t Let Your Money Stay Unclaimed

Contact Us Today

We are dedicated to people like you! You didn’t deserve to lose your home and property.
Let our team help get your money back, so you can rebuild your future.
You deserve this chance! And there is no risk to you.

Call for help:
(844) 734-4138
(515) 99-MONEY

Email us:

Oakfield Services LLC
1011 N. Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, IA 50023